
Imprint for Stadtmarketing- und Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH Kehl

The website “” is the official information service provided by Kehl marketing and business development company Stadtmarketing- und Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH Kehl on the Internet. Other websites, some of which have similar names, are in no way connected with “”.

Party responsible for the content (controller)

Stadtmarketing- und Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH Kehl 

Number on commercial register held at the Amtsgericht Freiburg local court in Freiburg: HRB 371796
VAT ref. no.: DE 221976774

Christoph Hodapp
Rheinstraße 77
77694 Kehl
Fax +49 (0)7851 88-1501

Copyright, liability and responsibility

The layout of the website, the graphics and images used, and the various contributions are protected by copyright. The pages may only be copied for private use; no changes may be made and any copies made may not be distributed or reproduced for public consumption.

All the information on “” is provided to the best of our knowledge but without any guarantee that it is correct. Under no circumstances will liability be accepted for any damages resulting from the use of the information accessed.

The information given, the allegations made and the opinions expressed on the sites to which links are published are the sole responsibility of the author in any given case and do not reflect the opinion of Kehl marketing and business development company Stadtmarketing und Wirtschaftsförderungs GmbH Kehl.
Information provided for consumers by the European Commission for Online Dispute Resolution: Kehl marketing and business development company Stadtmarketing und Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH Kehl is not willing and not obliged to attend dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

Website execution and content management system

Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Krailenshaldenstraße 44
70469 Stuttgart
Fax Fax +49 (0)711 8108 - 40001

Imprint for Kehl Marketing GmbH

The website “” is the official information service provided by Kehl marketing and business development company Kehl Marketing GmbH on the Internet. Other websites, some of which have similar names, are in no way connected with “”.

Party responsible for the content (controller)

Kehl Marketing GmbH

Number on commercial register held at the Amtsgericht Freiburg local court in Freiburg: HRB 701246
VAT ref. no.: DE 142215509

Christoph Hodapp
Rheinstraße 77
77694 Kehl
Fax +49 (0)7851 88-1501

Copyright, liability and responsibility

The layout of the website, the graphics and images used, and the various contributions are protected by copyright. The pages may only be copied for private use; no changes may be made and any copies made may not be distributed or reproduced for public consumption.

All the information on “” is provided to the best of our knowledge but without any guarantee that it is correct. Under no circumstances will liability be accepted for any damages resulting from the use of the information accessed.

The information given, the allegations made and the opinions expressed on the sites to which links are published are the sole responsibility of the author in any given case and do not reflect the opinion of Kehl marketing and business development company Kehl Marketing GmbH.
Information provided for consumers by the European Commission for Online Dispute Resolution: Kehl marketing and business development company Kehl Marketing GmbH is not willing and not obliged to attend dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

Website execution and content management system

Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Krailenshaldenstraße 44
70469 Stuttgart
Fax Fax +49 (0)711 8108 - 40001