
How to find us

Directions to the Stadthalle civic hall and to Kehl marketing and business development company Stadtmarketing- und Wirschaftsförderungs-GmbH Kehl

Directions to Kehl am Rhein by various means of transport


You can visit Deutsche Bahn AG to find the best train connection to Kehl am Rhein.
If you want to travel to Kehl by public transport within Baden-Württemberg, the journey planner and timetable information provided by the Elektronische Fahrplanauskunft Baden-Württemberg (efa) will help you to find the best connection to Kehl.
If you are already in the Ortenau district, you can find all the regional connections on the Tarifverbund Ortenau (TGO) transport network website.


Coach connections from many German towns and cities to Kehl am Rhein can be found on the search portal Busliniensuche.


Arriving in Kehl am Rhein by car

  • From the west and Strasbourg:
    A35 motorway - Kehl exit - RN4 road towards the Europabrücke border crossing over the river, approx. 3km to Kehl town centre
  • From the north and Karlsruhe:
    A5 motorway - Appenweier exit - B28 road towards Kehl, approx. 7km to Kehl town centre
  • From the south and Freiburg/Basel:
    A5 motorway - Appenweier exit - B28 road towards Kehl, approx. 7km to Kehl town centre
  • From the east and Freudenstadt:
    B28 Freudenstadt - Oberkirch - Kehl

Coach parties

Arriving in Kehl am Rhein by coach

  • From the west and Strasbourg:
    A35 motorway - Kehl exit - RN4 road towards the Europabrücke border crossing over the river, approx. 3km to Kehl town centre
  • From the north and Karlsruhe:
    A5 motorway - Appenweier exit - B28 road towards Kehl, approx. 7km to Kehl town centre
  • From the south and Freiburg/Basel:
    A5 motorway - Appenweier exit - B28 road towards Kehl, approx. 7km to Kehl town centre
  • From the east and Freudenstadt:
    B28 Freudenstadt - Oberkirch - Kehl

There are parking spaces for coaches behind the railway station. Please follow the signs. There are 25 parking spaces for coaches (pay at ticket machine). Satnav entry: Hafenstraße (48.57653°N 7.80385°E)


Kehl am Rhein is close to the airports listed below

We wish you a pleasant trip!